Dear All,
I hereby inform you that we have arranged a list of dedicated rooms for each 2nd year student in boys hostel (2 students in one room) as per the health instructions prescribed by the UMO and based on the information you have already provided before hand. Please check the attachment and take the relevant key of your room from the sub-warden when you first enter the hostel. Some of the rooms from 1st years and 3 rd years (please check the list attached) were also temporary assigned, while the existing belongings of those rooms are locked in the respective cupboard in the relevant room. SO that you are not allowed to use those cupboards, but can use the rest of the space to keep your own necessary belongings.
You are expected to follow the instructions which will be provided by the sub-warden in this temporary stay.
Hope you will able to cope-up with this arrangement and maintain the relevant health practices prescribed under COVID 19 pandemic.
Dr. D.A.S. Elvitigala
Academic warden - Boys Hostel