Dear Students,
Welcome you all to the Faculty of Nursing, University of Colombo.
Please note the following instructions regarding sessions conducted in orientation program:
1. Each session is conducted online. For online sessions, each participant may log in from anywhere using his/her own computer/ mobile phone.
2. Your attendance in all sessions including inauguration is compulsory.
4. Inauguration will be held on 15.06.2022 at 8.00 am (therefore, logging in and participating in the zoom meeting is compulsory for the event; Students may download the Zoom application and log in)
5. All the attendance and punctuality requirements apply exactly. It is mandatory to join the Zoom meeting using your registration number.
6. Time table, notices and Zoom links for each session will be uploaded to the Learning Management System (LMS), and also sent to student's email addresses and/or to the whatsapp group.
7. Since there are power cuts, it is important that participants are prepared for this in advance.
8. Giving feedback for each session and for the entire program are compulsory.
Don't hesitate to contact the coordinator of the program if you have any questions. (Contact number of the coordinator - 0775595384)
Best wishes
Coordinator - Fifth Orientation program for B.Sc. Nursing undergraduates, FON
You can access the complete time table with the ZOOM links for 1st week using below link.